ACS College Navapur

Teacher's Feed Back Form

Please indicate your degree of agreement against each statement by checking against one of the five columns: Strongly Agree (5), Agree (4), Not Sure (3), Disagree (2) or Strongly Disagree (1). After completing the Questionnaire, please return it to the facilitator When in doubt about any aspect of the Questionnaire, please discuss with the facilitator

Name *
Faculty *
Subject name *
The College Vision, philosophy & objectives are referred to and reflected in college decisions *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Students are disciplined and respect the Staff members *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
College provides opportunities for continuous development of Staff *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Equal opportunities for all staff is provided *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
College has adequate medical facilities and is equipped to handle medical and other emergencies *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Rest rooms, toilets, laboratory, playground, classrooms are clean and well maintained *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Clean drinking water is available *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Library is well equipped and is accessible *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Laboratory requirements including equipments, chemicals and specimens are regularly provided by the college. *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Computer facilities are made available for ICT based teaching to the teachers. *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Good facility and encouragement to the teachers for their research work. *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
College pays attention to conservation of environment and has taken initiative on implementing waste management practices *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Principal/head is approachable and accessible and believes in building partnerships *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Staff is appropriately represented in the Governing Body *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Parents are satisfied with the College procedures and policies *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
There is a mechanism for feedback, review and performance enhancement for the staff *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Data, documents, records and evidences are well maintained *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Staff development needs are identified and programs initiated for the same. *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Capabilities/ Potential of the staff are fully utilized. *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree
Recognition/ Incentive/ Appreciation of the individual work is given *
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure
Agree Strongly Agree